
Thanks for visiting my blog, I hope you enjoy it. I'd also invite you to visit my website at http://www.addietalley.com as well. That should help to answer most questions and you can check out some more of my work. I would love to hear from you whether that be through comments or email!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Help a Girl Out?

ok, I think Ive told you a million times, but Im re-working my website and products and promotional stuff.... blah, blah, blah...

Anyway... now, I need YOUR help... yes, YOU - if you are reading this, then not only would I love a comment or email, I actually need it.

Im looking to do a FAQ section... but now Im at a loss as to what people want to know.... so here is where you come in. Can you please tell me what youve always wanted to know about me or a photography session. If you were going to do a session, what would be the things you would ask before we got started.

I cant do this without you... please help me not fail - if left up to my own devices, I will.... :)

I would also love to hear any suggestions on how I can make the website, blog, sessions, anything, better... its much easier to know whats working and whats not when you are looking from the outside...

So yes.... can you help a girl out?


Kimberly said...

Questions I would want to know the answers to would be, how far you travel, if you have an extra photographer for weddings, and do you use flash or not? Hope these help, these are questions I've heard other brides ask photographers, too. Also try putting this on Facebook and I'm sure you'll get lots of response.

Addie Talley, Photographer said...

those were good and none that I had thought of... thanks!