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Friday, September 7, 2012

Personal Friday - Columbus MS Photographer

Today we are going way, way back about 15 or so years ago... back to high school days... and Im betting you can guess which one I am, right? And the saying is pretty much true - once a cheerleader, always a cheerleader. Its weird, right? Im kind of this punk/goth girl who mostly wears gray and black... but yet, I would give just about anything to cheer again - especially partner stunt... too bad, my old lady body is not so flexible anymore....

Thankfully though, I can be one of those obnoxious toddlers and tiara type moms who live their dreams through their daughter... b/c Emma... well, Emma is excited about the thought of taking cheerleading classes and is constantly bouncing around the house... and me - I could not be more excited to have someone to carry on the legacy (it exists in my head, cut me some slack)

I cannot wait to get started... :)

Happy Friday! Happy weekend!

Email me at talleyimages@yahoo.com