
Thanks for visiting my blog, I hope you enjoy it. I'd also invite you to visit my website at http://www.addietalley.com as well. That should help to answer most questions and you can check out some more of my work. I would love to hear from you whether that be through comments or email!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Almost Back

I know that no one is probably reading this anymore... sorry.

Ive had a good excuse for not posting though.... weve been in Hong Kong adopting our new son... we just got back on Friday and are trying to get back on schedule....

But I do have good news... we are getting home internet next Tuesday - December 7th, so I will actually be able to post alot of the last sessions that I couldnt get to before we left... including the most amazing wedding! So be on the lookout for next week - lots of good things are coming!

I promise.... :)

Hey, thanks for sticking with me... this has been a crazy time in our lives and we couldnt make it without you...

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